Why people choose us?
The state government couldn't have picked a worse time to introduce further regulation to the building industry. We understand increased costs of any type need to be minimized and justified.
In the life of a project, delays can equate to a loss of money. We focus on building relationships with councils and shires to minimize any possible delays.
Open everyday at: 8:00 pm to 6:00 pm
The best time to consult with a bushfire assessor is prior to beginning any development, this way we can offer a common sense approach of placing roads and parks between proposed residents and any bushfire threats. This will greatly increase the number of blocks with lower ratings.Now that Prospective buyers are so educated on potential threats and costs associated with bushfire ratings, developers need to strike the balance between vegetation retention and public safety.
At the moment, developers need at least 410 square metres of land to build an apartment building, so the more property-owners who get together in neighbourhoods earmarked for rezoning, the bigger the complexes they can build. It makes perfect sense for people to amalgamate their blocks of land in areas where there is demand from developers.
It offers lots of possibilities of redesigning whole sites to create better buildings, more open spaces, take out roadways which won’t be used any more, and make better neighbourhoods for these areas. This offers opportunities to really improve communities. However our desire to live close to nature means that many homes are built in areas that are at risk of bush fire.
Planning applications for developments in bushfire prone areas will generally need to demonstrate that risks to persons or property from bushfires can be minimised to an acceptable level. Well planned developments in bushfire prone areas make homes and families safer from bushfires. We are here to help property developers achieve those requirements and deliver a product which will attract market demand and can be offered at a price point that the market will be prepared to meet.
Lowest price guarantee
Our prices are the lowest in the market but it doesn’t reflect on quality of our services and products we offer.
Free advice - One point of contact for all your AS3959 questions
We understand that higher bushfire ratings directly impact on developers ability to sell blocks
We focus on building relationships with councils to minimize delays
What we do in Perth?
We cater for large and small scale subdivision and development applications, this includes but is not limited to high risk land use developments and large scale residential lots
Element 1: Location
Element 2: Siting and design of developmentB
Element 3: Vehicular access
Element 4: Water